Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is it with artists and naked people?

I walk to class every Monday and Wednesday through Mitchell Hall, home to many of the fine arts programs at UWM. The one thing I have noticed, aside from the din of african drumming emanating from the dance studios, is the preponderance of nude art lining the walls.

I realize the nude body is supposed to be a beautiful life form, but seriously, there are A LOT of nude pictures. I don't even know if you are supposed to call them pictures or if that is bourgeois. Point is, naked is apparently all the rage on the second floor.'s not even good naked. It's often times disturbing naked.  I don't want to see that kind  of naked. Don't get me wrong, I like naked as much as the next person, after all, it's human nature. But I like the "happy, fun, and frolicking" naked - not the "gloomy, self-loathing, my life is horrendous so I am going to lay here in the fetal position" naked. So, to the budding UWM artists, please shy away from sad naked, because we could all use a little happy naked in our lives from time to time.

Thank you.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Note to Self: Don't Eat Tuna and Clam Chowder for Lunch if You Have an Afternoon Business Meeting

The title is self explanatory.

I went to Eagan's for lunch. Not sit down, just through the deli part. They have great clam chowder (every day, which kicks ass), and you can pair it with a small pasta salad for $5.25. Good deal. So I pair it up with  the tuna pasta salad. Tasty.

About halfway through the meal it dawned on me...I have a business meeting this afternoon. What I don't have is gum.

So here I stand. Committed to a delicious meal. Committed to a client meeting. And a mouth that smells like Puget Sound with no sign of any breath cleansing products in the near vacinity. I do have some fruit flavored Rolaids, but that isn't going to cut it. It'll only make me smell like a Yellowfin Marmalade sandwich.

My plan - remain silent in the meeting and repeatedly drop my ass, shooting my co-worker looks of disgust each time the cloud rises.

It's the only out pitch I've got.