Thursday, January 14, 2010

Random WTH Moments

What the hell? 

Doesn’t it seem as if we say this a lot more than we used to? At least in my life it has become more prevalent. I find myself constantly amazed by the things people do and say without taking those around them into consideration.

We run into these people every day, everywhere. We all know them. And in some instances we are them. In fact, it would be arrogant to think that other people aren't looking at us and saying, "what the hell?"

So I have begun journaling “what the hell” moments that I encounter, and from time to time I will be sharing them with you in the Dave and Carole Newsletter. You may agree with some, you may disagree with others. I encourage you to share them with us. It’s fun, and believe it or not, it causes ourselves to stop and take note of our own actions so we don’t become someone else’s “what the hell”.

Location:             La Guardia - Security Line

While standing in a long security line, a man proceeds to open a can of gefilte fish and snack away. It is the foulest odor to have ever been subjected to.  I would describe it as the smell of a one ton pile of rotting fish on a 90/90 (90 degrees and 90% humidity) day. Can’t you wait until you’re away from the line and humanity?

Location:             La Guardia – Boarding Process

For those of you who have flown on a regular, or semi-regular basis, you are familiar with the boarding process. They start at the back of the plane and work their way forward. So, if you are seated in one of the back rows, and have a carry-on, you place it in the overhead near your seat – IN THE REAR OF THE PLANE! It does not go in the first overhead compartment you see up front. Why? Because I am sitting in 3A and that is where MY CARRY ON GOES! Now I am stuck going back to 13C to stow my bag, subsequently screwing up the entire de-boarding process and being made to wait until everyone is off the plane, just because you don’t want to carry your little roller bag 27 rows.

Location:             Next door to me

Why did you bury a dead golden retriever on the property line next to my house? Obviously, it’s better than burying a live golden retriever, but nevertheless, you still buried a golden retriever on the property line next to my house.

I don’t care if you read this. Why? Because you buried a golden retriever on the property line next to my house.

Location:             Church

A woman’s cell phone rings. It happens right? We have all forgotten to turn the ringer off or put it on vibrate at one time or another. But lady, when it rings, how about a sense of urgency in trying to locate it. And for god’s sake, DON’T ANSWER IT, proceed to get up, leave the pew and walk to the vestibule to finish the call, while continuing to talk as you walk through the congregation. God hates you now.

If you need more KB in your life, (and really, who doesn’t?) follow me on Twitter @kb965.


Unknown said...

KB..these are priceless gems. Very nice...write a book of these categorized...kinda.

Unknown said...

You really should write a book - these are awesome - if common sense were only so common!