Friday, January 27, 2012

I Just Want It To Be Quiet

I stumbled across a message board regarding the Recall Walker movement. I started reading through the hundreds of posts, most of which were shortsighted and self-serving on both the for and against sides. It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally realized these blog responses are actually a microcosm of what is wrong wih this country. Let me explain. Actually, you don't have to let me explain, I am going to do it anyway.

I posed a simple question on one of the blogs - "What is the plan of the "Recall Walker" people should they be successful in removing him from office?" A pretty straightforward question, right? But what happened. The question was ignored in lieu of adding several more posts pointing fingers, calling names and screaming that the other side is wrong. But NOT A SINGLE POST detailing the plan for Wisconsin.

Why is this?

Well, first of all because there isn't a plan at all. But that aside, it is because coming up with a plan requires thinking, effort and making tough decisions. It's so much easier to piss, moan and grandstand using partial, out of context sound bites than actually DO something. It's easier and so much more dramatic for us to paint signs, pound drums, cry inequality and be dragged out of the rotunda like a little boy throwing a temper tantrum in Walmart because mommy wouldn't buy him any Skittles. It's easier to scream, "you're turning this country into a socialist welfare state!" Why? Because thinking critically about problems and developing solutions might mean you have to be held accountable for something. Which you are afraid to do because if something went wrong, you'd have to take responsibility for your actions and you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the petty jealousy paddle that you're currently swinging. So it's better to just sit back and bitch, waiting for the next wave of leaders to come along so you can bitch about them too.

I love how protesters (supporting ANY cause) pound their chest and wrap themselves in the flag of democracy proclaiming how our forefathers would be proud of them because this great nation of ours was founded on civil disobedience. (By the way, for those of you who don't know, our government isn't a democracy, but that's an entirely different discussion) In reality, what you are doing is annoying most of us, forcing our municipalities to pick up the babysitting tab, and damaging the reputation of the people who have the courage to serve in public office and subject themselves to your criticism and abuse. This goes for BOTH SIDES of the aisle.

I have stated openly that I believe Obama is way out over his skis and doesn't have a clue about anything. I think he wanted to be the President and get the benefits that come with it. I don't think he wanted to lead the country and assume the headaches that come with it. I believe Walker has made some serious mistakes and bad choices in the way he has handled things in Madison. I think he wanted what he wanted and he wanted it right now, no matter who was affected.

However, even though these two individuals are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and their philosophies and approaches couldn't be more diametrically opposed, they are alike in the fact that they have the balls to dig in their heels, make tough decisions, stand by those decisions and see them through to the bitter end. They walk through the walls of pounding drums and Hannity-O'Reilly-Beck roadblocks that stand between them and accomplishing their vision. They come out battered and bruised, only to get up next day and do it all over again. Why? Because they are driven to serve the people of this's either that or because they are getting truckloads of money from the unions, major corporations, the Koch brothers and George Soros. I'm thinking it's probably the latter.

We all know there are problems, and bombarding message boards with personal attacks and half-truths  doesn't solve the problems, it just makes them worse. If you want things to change then change them. Stop your screaming and whining. Stop jumping in front of me at the grocery store to shove your political views in my face. If just half of that energy was spent serving at St. Ben's or mentoring a child, or painting playground equipment in a local schoolyard, imagine how much better off we would all be.

Yes, I realize I am equally as guilty for writing this. But I felt I needed to get it all out because I just want it to be quiet.

1 comment:

Mike Collins said...

Well said. I really enjoyed this.